Veloren is a free PC role-playing game using voxels.

You will need to download Airshipper to get Veloren, available for Windows, macOS and Linux.





Wendigo Indvaders are attacking Gwonnalton, Freim, Siel and Ammeaux!

Every 15 minutes a wave of invaders are spotted, get a team and defend your town!


1. Create a Twitch Clip of you defeating a Wendigo Invder Wave from the RASHMELON Twitch

(You will need a Twitch account to create a Clip)

2. Post the Clip to RASHMELON

Post the link of the Clip to the RASHMELON Twitter or Discord with your Veloren Character name

Once this is complete, A Game Admin will give you your rewards:


You will need to subscribe to RASHMELON on Twitch to qualify for this tier.

1 Glider, 10 Tier 5 Dungeon Chests, 10K Coins and 10 Gold Ore


You will need to follow to RASHMELON on Twitch to qualify for this tier.

1 Glider and 5 Random Dungeon Chests


1 Random Glider and 1 Random Chest


Q. Do I really need a clip?

A. Yes! You need a clip of of all of the Wendigo Invaders being killed from RASHMELON Twitch

Q. What if theres other players also killing the Wendigos?

A. That is not a problem! but everyone needs their own Twitch Clip to receive rewards

What if the stream moves on before I kill all the Wendigo Invaders?

You will need to try again! remember Wendigo Wars is designed for you and your team


1. Don't be the reason we can't have nice things

2. No Spam

3. No Harassment